Insect Biology Interdisciplinary Group Gloss lab:What can flies related to genetic models reveal about adaptations enabling herbivory and parasitism?Vogel Lab:Exploring the tripartite interactions between kissing bugs, their microbiome, and Chagas diseaseAltizer lab:Monarch butterfly migratory behavior affects the transmission of the debilitating protozoan parasite, Ophryocystis elektroscirrhaOliver lab:A parasitoid wasp Aphidius ervi parasitizing a pea aphid nymphBurke lab:Ovaries of the parasitoid wasp Microplitis demolitor filled with virus (blue color)Moore lab:Ancestral, adapted and novel foods affect life history trade-offs in Oncopeltus fasciatusMoore lab:Drosophila suzukii has a unique larval nutritional ecology among the DrosophilidsMoore lab:How might larval diet influence the dispersal behavior of the kudzu bug?Schulz lab:Drosophila Germline stem cells monitored for division frequencyGottdenker lab:Blood-engorged kissing bug vectors of Chagas disease used in xenodiagnostic studies in wild ammals from PanamaBatzer lab:Sampling invertebrates in the floodplain of the Altamaha River, GeorgiaHunt lab:The multilayered epigenetic and regulatory landscape of insect genomesAllen Moore lab:Burying beetles have elaborate parental care; what genes influence this behavior?Ross lab:Colony-founding fire ant queen (Solenopsis invicta)Strand lab:Primary egg chambers in the ovary of the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti. Insect Biology Interdisciplinary Group